Wednesday 24 January 2018

Location Ideas

January 24th 2018

As we finally finalised our film idea and planned our beginning, middle and end; it's finally time to think about locations for our film. We figured that planning our locations would make it much easier to write a script, as we can write it keeping in mind where all of these events are taking place. There won't be a lot of location changes in the film, and most of them are pretty easy to change if necessary. 

The main part of the plot, the date, takes place in Bobby's house, so we need a house to film in which has a downstairs bathroom due to the fact that we have the scene where Poppy goes to the bathroom and is then murdered; this would be much easier to carry out if the bathroom was on the same floor as the kitchen, rather than wasting time by filming Poppy travelling through different floors of a house. One of our group members, Maeve, has this in her house, so this is very possible for us to carry out in this location. Maeve's house is also quite plain looking; ie. she has plain cream coloured walls, cream carpet etc. meaning that there isn't any issues with mise en scene in terms of location, because there isn't anything that wouldn't fit the film, and it gives us space to add our own props to make the house fit a serial killer a lot more. We were thinking of adding props like axes which would be hung to a wall, or other typical murder weapons such as knives. This would reflect how Bobby has had a serious past of murder, and this would also be a really entertaining and interesting part to include in the interview stages of the film. 

The other areas of the film really only include the interview parts where we initially meet the two main characters. All of these scenes could really be filmed aywhere, but we've decided to follow the approach that is usually taken on 'The Undateables', where they film the people walking through random public places such as streets, along beaches or in public parks. This gives us an opportunity to show a bit of the serial killer's everyday lives when they're not killing, which could be pretty comical to the audience. We're currently thinking about the idea of interviewing Bobby walking through Wallace park, which is a really big public park in Lisburn. This works for us because it's easy to get to for all of our group members so there isn't any travel issues, but it's also really similar to the locations filmed in 'The Undateables', so it really will seem like a real documentary to the audience because it follows the same format that 'The Undateables' has.

Image result for wallace park lisburn

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