Friday 30 March 2018

Office Filming Day

On the 29th of March 2018, we went to my dad's office to film some shots for the office/secretary scenes. We planned to shoot some filler shots for the narration to play over for any part of the film, such as shots of flowers or cars driving along a road. We also needed to get shots of a general day in an office, such as a woman typing on a computer, files, and a woman using a photocopier. This would allow us to let the audience realise that these shots are taking place in the business which sets up the date between Bobby and Poppy. We wanted to get shots of Maeve acting as a secretary who would be on the phone to Bobby informing him about his date with Poppy.

We managed to get all of the filler shots that we needed which really helped throughout editing as it gave us lots of time for narration throughout the film. 

During the scene of the phone call between the secretary and Bobby, we decided to have our secretary scrolling on her computer through a word document of both Bobby and Poppy's applications to the dating programme. This is visible in an over the shoulder shot we took whilst the secretary was on the phone. We thought that this would be a good shot to allow the audience to have an insight into both characters and show that they have met through a dating programme.

Overall, our filming day at the office went very smoothly and only took around 1 hour to film, as we arrived at 4pm and we were finished by around 5pm. We had no delays and we followed the shooting schedule very carefully.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Filming Day

We filmed on the 19th of March 2018, and although we found that the filming went quite successfully, we definitely ran over time. We had planned to film from 3pm to 9pm, but it all started late (roughly around 4pm) as we arrived at the park location realising we had forgotten the SD card for the camera, easy mistake, but it set us back by a lot of time as we had to go and get it in order to film.  The outdoor scenes went very well - we had multiple versions of shots which were really useful in editing as we got all of these shots perfect. 

We decided to have Poppy chasing after a dog to make her seem a bit more simple and strange - we figured that this would be a funny touch to the film and this was possible for us because we were chatting to a woman with lively dog and she consented for us to film the dog with the character of Poppy.

We were quite proactive in using our resources and we had to come up with new ideas on how to heighten the tripod so that we could film over the shoulder shots of Bobby whilst he was standing - this was difficult because our actor is 6"2 and our tripod was quite small in height. To combat this issue, we placed our tripod on top of boxes that Eimir had in her house, which allowed us to achieve the shots we had wanted.

During the filming of the outdoor scenes, we found that we filmed these quite slowly and wasted a lot of time by getting distracted rather than focusing on our time schedule. Although we followed the shooting schedule very closely, meaning that we shot all of our shots in the correct order and took multiple shots of each shot we needed to take, to ensure that we had backup shots incase some had mistakes/faults; however, this caused us to end up further back on our time schedule, leaving us with much less time to film our main scenes such as the date scene and the killing scene. We found that this tight time schedule for the final scenes caused us to discard the shooting schedule and we filmed based on the script, leaving out shots that we didn't think were majorly important - which backfired when it came to editing as we were missing lots of filler shots and important shots which would've improved our film. We also found that there were lots of continuity errors in our shots because the filming was so rushed, and we didn't have many repeat shots so if our shots had mistakes we had no other option but to use them.

One major continuity error that we noticed was that the accents of our actors changed between the previous scenes and the main date scene - meaning we would have to refilm. However, this was slightly convenient for us because we wanted to refilm the date scene and the killing scene anyway, so this was an easy fix for us because the accent change only happened in these scenes.

We also attempted handheld shots in these scenes and they didn't turn out how we had wanted them to - so we wanted to refilm these as well and use a tripod. Luckily, our scene of Poppy pouring the poison was still perfect from the first filming, so this didn't need to be reshot.

We were prepared with props on the day of filming, and during filming some scenes we decided to split the crew up and have 2 people filming scenes and one person making the blood, the pasta and changing the photo frames to have our pictures in them; this worked for us as it allowed us to multitask so we could get more filming done and waste less time on preparing props. We rotated between roles so that one person wasn't being stuck on preparing props, usually rotating the roles between Eimir and myself so that we both got to take control of filming. 


Saturday 10 March 2018

Making Fake Blood - The Process

10th March 2018

  • Four 28 oz. bottles of orange or red ultra-concentrated dish detergent (the red frequently contains bleach - do not use any detergent with bleach)
  • One small bottle of ultra-concentrated Dawn dish detergent (blue)
  • 1.5 cups of creamy sugar-free peanut butter (regular will also work)
  • One 16 oz. bottle of washable red poster paint
  • Blue washable poster paint
  • Black washable poster paint
  • Sugar-free chocolate syrup

Large pot or mixing bowl
Gallon-sized jug or pitcher
Strainer or cheesecloth
Microwave oven


The Process:
In order to ensure that the fake blood recipe we planned to follow on the day of filming wouldn't stain the tile floor in Eimir's house, we collected all of the ingredients (listed above), and Eimir then tested this recipe and did a stain test to make sure that it didn't stain, but also looked real in colour and consistency to real blood.



As shown in the photos above, the recipe worked just as expected and washed easily off of the tiles with kitchen roll and floor cleaner. Eimir had mentioned that the blood could've been improved by adding more brown paint to improve the colour a little bit, and also use more washing up liquid/water to make the mixture thinner. 

Friday 9 March 2018

Poster Ideas

March 9th 2018

Today we explored some possible poster ideas for our film. We decided to plan this now because we figured that it would save us a lot of time if we could take potential poster photos on the day of filming, so it would make sense for us to plan a few ideas now to ensure that we get some good shots which we can use for our poster. This means that we don't have to bring our cast back again for a mini photo shoot for the poster.

Here are some ideas we came up with on a mindmap;

Thursday 8 March 2018

Making the Background for Interview Scenes

March 8th 2018

In our film we have included multiple scenes where the characters Bobby and Poppy are filmed speaking in an interview setting. We wanted to make the interview setting a little less boring, so we were interested in the idea of creating a prop for the background. We took inspiration from the show 'First Dates', as they have a background setting which looks like a heart printed onto wooden walls that have been painted white.

This made their interview scenes look a bit more interesting and also helped to let the audience know that these were private interview sections which took place at a different time to the actual date/current time in the show. We figured that this would be a good thing to include in our film, to help give the same effect. 

Our idea for the background setting was to create a big white heart, which has a smaller white heart with pink mosaic throughout it, with a black arrow being struck through the heart. We plan to hang this up against a white/grey wall - this will be our interview setting. 

To create the heart background, we used two large A2 sheets of white paper. We cut a large heart out of one of the white sheets, and a slightly smaller heart out of the second sheet. This second heart was our 'mosaic heart'. We cut multiple sheets of thick pink card into small triangular and trapezium shapes, and stuck these in a mosaic pattern onto the smaller heart shape. This roughly took me about 2 hours to complete. During this process, Eimir cut out two parts to an arrow out of thick black card. Once the mosaic heart was complete, we stuck it onto the larger heart so that the larger heart resembled a white border. We then stuck the black arrow parts on each side of the smaller heart, making it look as if the arrow was being struck through the heart.

Below are some pictures of the process of making the prop, and also a picture of our final product;

Thursday 1 March 2018

Updated Character Costumes

Shortly before filming while we were planning our props for the day of filming, maybe two weeks before the date of filming, we were looking at our costume choices and what we had available at home ourselves, and the clothes our actor/actress had available and decided to change the costumes.

Sticking to the plans from the previous post about costume, about the colour schemes and how red would represent danger and almost have an eerie vibe (see the previous costume post for more details), we decided we wanted to stick with the colour schemes previously chosen, having the characters wearing red or black. 

Eimir had a plain burgundy dress at home which wasn't going to be worn again so we figured that this would be perfect for Poppy's character considering we wanted to have a dress for her anyway, and the colour of the dress matched our original colour scheme plans. This was also handy as we didn't need to worry about the dress getting ruined by the blood if it ended up staining the clothes as the dress wouldn't be worn again. We also decided to have her character wearing a navy blue cardigan, as our actress Beth had this handy in her home and it still stuck within our dark colour scheme so it suited well. It also gave us an opportunity to show the poison bottle in the scene at the front door before Poppy enters the house as the cardigan had pockets that we could fit the bottle into. As for shoes, we kept it pretty casual and plain and decided that any sort of dolly shoe/trainer would work. For the outdoor scenes, we had Poppy wearing a black denim jacket over the same dress as we didn't want our actress to be cold during the scenes, but it also allowed us to show that the outdoor scenes happened at a previous point in the day and again, stuck with our dark colour scheme.

As for Bobby's costume, we pretty much kept it the same but we switched the colour of the jumper he wore to black instead of red, because we didn't want Bobby and Poppy's outfits to clash with colours. For his costume for the outside scenes, we had him wear a midtone blue fleece which just reflected how Bobby could act like a normal person despite his love for murdering, which was a common theme amongst many serial killers.

Shot List

Shot Number
Shot Type
Extreme Long Shot

Cars driving down the road
Medium Close Up
Coffee being poured in to a mug
Over the Shoulder
Swiping through tinder
Extreme Close Up
Hip Level
Sharpening knives
Close up
Hip Level
Placing knives on stand
Close up
Eye Level
Bobby smiling into camera
Hip Level
Bobby unlocking door
Medium Close up
Hip Level
Unpacking shopping
Suspicious items going in to fridge 
Medium Close Up
Eye Level
Interview style shot of Bobby talking
Long shot

Poppy walking in park
Eye Level
Interview style shot of Poppy talking
Medium Close Up (Pan)

Shot of files
Wide Shot (Pan)
Women working at computers in an office
Eye Level
Interview style shot of Bobby talking (photos in background)
Close up

Shrine of victims
Extreme Close Up / Cut in

Photo in shrine
Close up
Eye Level
Bobby smiling into camera
Extreme Close Up

Phone rings
Mid Shot
Eye Level
Handheld pan
Bobby answering phone & sitting down
Mid Shot
Side angle
Bobby hearing call/speaking then smiles
Extreme Close Up

Phone hanging up (put back in holder)
Medium Close Up
Eye Level
Bobby speaking “her name is Poppy…”
Wide shot
Long shot

Poppy walking in park
Mid Shot
Eye Level
Poppy introduces herself (goes to voiceover)
Wide shot
Over the shoulder
Poppy doing makeup (view of her in mirror)
Wide shot

Walking and smiling
Wide shot
Over the shoulder
Poppy on a bed on her phone
Medium Close Up
Eye Level
“I’ve seen photos of Bobby…”
Wide shot
Bobby walking in park
Extreme Close Up / Cut in

Bobby’s hands (nervous)
Medium Close Up
Eye Level
Bobby looking over shoulder
Long shot
Bobby leaning against wall, Poppy approaches from behind
Two shot, mid shot

Poppy & Bobby introducing themselves to e/o
Over the Shoulder (looking at Poppy)

“What are you treating me to?”
Over the Shoulder (looking at Bobby)

“Its a surprise…”
Wide shot (Zoom out)
Backs of Bobby & Poppy walking away

Stop motion, lasts <5s

Establishing shot
Bobby’s House
Close up

Bobby sharpening knives 
Mid Shot
Make wine & knives prominent
Bobby setting table
Extreme Close Up

Knives on table
Medium Close Up
Pan from knives
Bobby: “here we go”
Mid Shot
handheld, following behind bobby
Bobby goes to door
Mid-Long Shot
Knees up, behind poppy
Bobby waiting at door with poison bottle behind her back
Extreme Close Up

Poison behind her back
Mid Shot

Poppy putting away poison, door begins to open
Over the Shoulder
View of Poppy’s face, match on action
Bobby opening door, Poppy greeting
Over the Shoulder
View of Bobby’s face
“You too..”, pulls her in for hug
Close up

Bobby closes eyes & smells her hair
Mid-two shot
Back of Poppy, Bobby is visible 
Poppy pulls away, Bobby motions her inside & she follows. Door closes
Mid-Long Shot
View of table with door in background
Couple enter through door, “I have the perfect set up..”, Poppy pours wine
Mid Shot
Profile of actors from the head of the table
Bobby sits down, “So Poppy..”
Over the Shoulder
Alternate as couple speak
“I want to know you inside out…”
Medium Close Up

Bobby sits down on the left, “I think its going really well..”
Medium Close Up
Poppy sitting on right
Poppy’s interview
Mid Shot
Back to same profile shot of table
“So where do you see this..” … “prepare the meat”
Over the Shoulder (looking at Poppy)

“No problem, could you show me the bathroom..”
Over the Shoulder (looking at Bobby)

“Of course”, turns to walk out door & can see Poppy moving
Mid-Long Shot
View of wine glasses and Poppy 
Poppy hastily pours poison into wine glass & drops bottle on to table
Extreme Close Up

Poison bottle lying sideways on table
Mid Shot

Poppy gets up, brushes herself off & follows Bobby
Mid-Long Shot
handheld, following behind Poppy
Poppy being guided to the downstairs bathroom. Bobby holds open the second door for her, grabs knife. “Let me get that for you”
Close up

Knife held behind Bobby’s back
Mid-two shot
Low angle, Poppy standing in front of Bobby
Bobby stabs her, she falls to the ground & shot of Bobby with bloody knife
Mid Shot
handheld & zoom
Poppy lying on ground with knife in back
Extreme Close Up

Poppy’s legs being dragged along the floor
Extreme Close Up
Poppy's hands being dragged through blood, leaving bloody handprints
Close up

Bobby puts herbs on top of pasta dish
Extreme Close up
Pan from pasta then zoom out to shot of Poppy’s framed photo
Insert of recipe “Poppy Puttanesca”
Mid Shot
Extremely slow zoom
Bobby at head of table.
Takes a sip of wine, notices poison bottle, then looks straight at the camera.
Head drops.