Thursday, 1 March 2018

Updated Character Costumes

Shortly before filming while we were planning our props for the day of filming, maybe two weeks before the date of filming, we were looking at our costume choices and what we had available at home ourselves, and the clothes our actor/actress had available and decided to change the costumes.

Sticking to the plans from the previous post about costume, about the colour schemes and how red would represent danger and almost have an eerie vibe (see the previous costume post for more details), we decided we wanted to stick with the colour schemes previously chosen, having the characters wearing red or black. 

Eimir had a plain burgundy dress at home which wasn't going to be worn again so we figured that this would be perfect for Poppy's character considering we wanted to have a dress for her anyway, and the colour of the dress matched our original colour scheme plans. This was also handy as we didn't need to worry about the dress getting ruined by the blood if it ended up staining the clothes as the dress wouldn't be worn again. We also decided to have her character wearing a navy blue cardigan, as our actress Beth had this handy in her home and it still stuck within our dark colour scheme so it suited well. It also gave us an opportunity to show the poison bottle in the scene at the front door before Poppy enters the house as the cardigan had pockets that we could fit the bottle into. As for shoes, we kept it pretty casual and plain and decided that any sort of dolly shoe/trainer would work. For the outdoor scenes, we had Poppy wearing a black denim jacket over the same dress as we didn't want our actress to be cold during the scenes, but it also allowed us to show that the outdoor scenes happened at a previous point in the day and again, stuck with our dark colour scheme.

As for Bobby's costume, we pretty much kept it the same but we switched the colour of the jumper he wore to black instead of red, because we didn't want Bobby and Poppy's outfits to clash with colours. For his costume for the outside scenes, we had him wear a midtone blue fleece which just reflected how Bobby could act like a normal person despite his love for murdering, which was a common theme amongst many serial killers.

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