Tuesday 10 April 2018

Changing the Brightness on shots

10th April 2018

Today, I focused on editing the brightness and saturation of some of the shots in our film to make the shots match better with the shots on either side of them, and match the theme of the film better. This also allowed me to make shots more clear and easier on the eye of the audience. 

Below are a number of shots which I have edited the brightness/saturation of:

This shot needed lots of work to it because the lighting is so dark in the shot and also has a very warm hue, which we didn't really want because the shots on either side of it were more cool toned and lit very brightly. To alter this, I played around with the highlights and midtones to make it a little bit brighter, and I altered the saturation to make it a little less warm toned. All of the details are included in the screenshots:




Below are a number of other shots which I have adjusted the brightness and saturation of, and the details of the brightness/saturation changes are included in the screenshots:

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