Monday, 2 April 2018

Re-Filming Day

Due to errors in the first filming day, we decided to meet up again and refilm the last few scenes including the dinner scene, the interview scene and the killing. We refilmed these shots on the 31st of March 2018. This filming session took around 2 and a half hours, which worked well because it was long enough to get the filming done again to a better standard and it also didn't take much time out of our actor's days. We filmed from 7pm to 9.30pm. 

Like the previous day, we decided to split the crew up into separate roles again to ensure we weren't wasting time, and we also followed the re-shooting schedule closely to make sure that we didn't miss any shots - and we also paid close attention to the accents of our actor/actress, making sure that they didn't change again. For one scene, I left Eimir and Maeve to film whilst I made the blood, and likewise Eimir left to set the interview scene up whilst Maeve and I filmed. This allowed us to be more flexible with our time. We also found that we had more time to focus on filming because we had less props to prepare, as we didn't need to refilm the choking scene - so we didn't have to make the pasta again, and we also didn't need to use the poison bottle again. 

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