Thursday 19 April 2018

Updated Choosing Music

Today, we inserted the track that we found for our final scene into the film. Eimir went searching for a track last night and found one on a website called Smart Sound. The track that we used was called 'Americana'. 

The track has a very sad and melodramatic vibe to it, making it perfect for the scene. After lots of searching, we couldn't find any tracks that had the creepy jazzy feeling to them that actually fit the scene, so we changed the idea to have more of a depressing/sad feel. 

The only issue with the track was that it had a man saying the words "Smart Sound" roughly every 15 seconds in the track, to trademark the track even though it's royalty free. Because of this, we had to blade the track in 4 different areas and split the sound so we could allow the music to match up again, without it being obvious that we cut parts of the track out. This took some time, but it was manageable as we used the fade in and fade out effect a lot to make this flow better.

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