Tuesday 17 April 2018

Making the Title Screen

Tuesday 17th April

Today, we created the title screen for our film. Firstly, we brainstormed ideas of what we wanted the title screen to include. This was easy enough as we all seemed to be on the same page due to the fact that we were focusing on a title screen for a dating show, so we already had pre-conceived ideas of what these title screens should look like from watching shows such as First Dates or The Undateables. We wanted to make a title screen really similar to these, pretty simple but effective - usually animated.

We noticed that Final Cut Pro didn't offer us the animated widgets that we wanted to use in our title screen, so we went searching for some animations that we could download for free. We came across a website called Stupid Raisins, which allowed you to download packs of animations for Final Cut Pro. We downloaded a pack called Sign Pop & Template Pop which contained a number of random widgets, but most importantly, it included a widget which looks like a folder which a heart on it - which perfectly fit our film. We decided to add this to a title screen with a white background. The title screen we chose had a black box image placed on it which we couldn't delete, so we placed the animated image on top of that. We also changed the text to say "Last Dates" and changed the font to Al Bayan and the size to 72.0. We also altered the colour of the font to a pink/peach shade, and changed the colour of the animated folder to be the same colour as the font, making it look more professional and nice to look at.

We then added some effects to make it a little more interesting, so we added the effect Bokeh Random which allowed the title screen to look as if it had some flashing lights flowing across it, but you could only see this effect on the text because the background was white, which left a nice effect. The animation also flew in on the title screen and flies out of the title screen, going to a black screen then transitioning to the next scene as the music ends. 

We're really happy with our title screen, and think it looks really professional, and as if it was made for a real dating show.

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