Wednesday 18 April 2018

Making the Credits

Wednesday 18th April

Today, we created the credits for the film. Instead of placing opening credits like we did in our film last year, we decided to place rolling credits on the final shot of the poison bottle. We placed the rolling credits on the side of the shot which looks very dark, almost black, and coloured the credits in white and the font as Times New Roman, which stood out exceedingly well against the dark area of the shot. We decided on rolling credits as we felt that they look very simple and plain, which is what we wanted for the ending of the film because the ending has so much going on in it. 

In the credits, we named the actors/actresses we had and their roles in order of importance in the film. We then placed our own names and our generic roles in the production of the film, including production, editing, directing and casting. We also credited ourselves for coming up with the plot idea, and credited Eimir for mainly scripting the film. 

Once the final shot fades out, it fades to an ending title screen which displays text saying "Last Dates" once again, but this time, the text is a shade of red and in the font Sketch Block and the text appeared by itself on a black background this time. This text is in the size 168.0

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