Thursday 19 April 2018

Magazine Review

Our group had the task of writing three different film reviews four our film. To do this well, we each analysed a bunch of film reviews from various websites. I decided to analyse the review for the film "Ghost Stories" from the Empire Magazine. In my analysis, I read through the entire review and jotted down the basic structure of the review, which would heavily assist me whilst writing my own. This would act as a basic guideline for writing the review, roughly taking a paragraph for each section.

I also added some social media links into the end of the review, to increase promotion of the film - which I discuss more in my evaluation.

My film review:

On the off chance that there are fans of films surrounding the topics of awkwardness, dating, murder and blood, well, this film may be the one for you. 'Last Dates' begins just like a dating show, consisting of our first serial killer, Bobby, played by Cormac (Dwyer), who butchers his victims, and our second, Poppy, played by Beth (Hamill), who has a slight taste for poisoning. Their awkward yet joyful date quickly takes a downward spiral into becoming a murderous crime scene. I guess the date was just so wonderful, that it was to die for.

Based on the British TV show 'First Dates', 'Last Dates' takes this concept, flips it around, adds a a couple deaths and voila, the film was born. Two cruel characters looking for love ending up on a deadly date with one another could never end well, who could've expected that two serial killers would end up killing, well, each other? There are tons of obvious ways that this story could go, however, the plot written by Shearer, McKegney and Hamill, takes very few of them. The film is howlingly funny with its ludicrously sarcastic humour throughout, which is a the complete opposite of what we would expect from two strange, yet lethal characters. 

Hilariously funny, the audience are practically in stitches throughout watching the characters attend their uneasy first date. However, this quickly changes from being side splittingly amusing to a tragic downfall. The interesting yet unexpected plot twist (although the murders were foreshadowed, how could we not see it coming?) draws the audience in and leaves them wanting more as they indulge into the bizarre lives of these murderous criminals. 

Shearer, McKegney and Hamill did a great job on this film, certainly reviving themselves from their not-so-successful film, "The Secret", which premiered last June. I think we can all agree that getting themselves back into producing comedic films was a life saver for their careers and the diminishing mockumentary genre. Make time to take yourself out and see this film - it'll truly take you out of the world of stress we all live in and let you indulge in the crazy lives of two serial killers. You'll be dying with laughter.

The final review:

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